
What is Reiki?

Rei means higher consciousness, universe or god.

Ki means life force energy, the energy that circulates through all forms of life and throughout the entire universe.

Reiki is a form of energy based healing which can be used to help heal, purify and bring more love and light into our energy field.

As we draw more love, light and balance into our energy system we can then experience more health, vitality and wellbeing as our body’s natural healing ability is accelerated – the body now has more life force energy to heal itself.

Reiki is the highest and most profound vibration of life. Divine in origin, it allows us to become one with all life.

The ultimate goal of reiki is the awakening of consciousness.

How Does Reiki Work?

We are alive because of life force energy or ki flowing through us. Ki flows within the physical body though pathways called chakras and meridians. It also flows around us in a field of energy called the aura, which stores many things including thoughts and memories.

The flow of ki is responsive to our thoughts and feelings. People are taught to repress their emotions and painful memories. When this happens, the memories and fears stay inside the auric field and form blockages.

Memories that are suppressed, childhood and past life memories don’t just evaporate, they are stored. Stale emotions create blockages that work through the aura to finally manifest on the physical plain as illness.

Negative thoughts and emotions do the same.

Reiki works to push the low vibrational energies from the body. The energy will move through the meridians, chakras and various levels of the aura and start to push the negative energies out of the system..

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